- Online: DoceAzedo
- Physically: São Paulo, Brasil
- Professionally: Frontend Developer @ Voolt
- Casually: Live coding, hyperpop, clubbing culture
- Pronouns: he/him or they/them
You can get in touch with me by email at [email protected] or just DM me on Twitter or Discord. I always appreciate meeting new people!
Hi, nice to meet you!

You can call me Doce, I'm a fullstack frontend developer currently living in São Paulo, Brazil. This is my little spot on the web where I talk about myself and stuff that I like, and I hope you can find something cool or useful here.
I'm a non-binary person — my pronouns are he/him or they/them — who loves to code (and I really value a good DX), I like to go live on Twitch while I develop my personal projects. I also like everything related to emojis and Unicode and I never miss the chance to talk about the word of Svelte.
Also, I really enjoy listening to music. I'm the type of person who loves to take a break and listen through an entire album without interruptions or skips. My favorite genres are pop, k-pop and hyperpop, particularly the Brazilian scene. You can see more about my musical taste on my
Random facts
- My first contact with programming was around the age of 12 with Visual Basic
- I love the Hunger Games trilogy and I have all four books of the series
- I strongly believe that there is a limbo between the generations from 1998 to 2003
- When I used to play Habbo Hotel, I took part of several fan sites as a DJ and journalist
- Although I don't consider myself a "gamer", I'm obsessed with everything Portal, Valve and Facepunch
- Despite that, I also play Fortnite, Valorant and Beat Saber occasionally
- I'm quite into the game cheating scene and the never ending battle between hackers and anticheats

Have a question or just wanna talk? Hit me up!