My hardware
- Main PC: M1 MacBook Pro 14" 2021
- Gaming PC:
- CPU: AMD Ryzen 3600X
- Motherboard: Gigabyte B450M DS3H
- RAM: 24GB (3x8) Crucial Ballistix 3000MHz
- GPU: EVGA GTX 1660
- PSU: Corsair CV650
- Storage: 2TB NVMe + 480GB SATA + 500GB HDD
- Case: Corsair Spec Delta RGB
- Display: Samsung UR550 28" 4K (👎)
- Keyboard: Logitech G512 (GX Brown)
- Mouse: Redragon Cobra
- Drawing tablet: Wacom CTL472
- Headphone: AirPods Max
- Microphone: HyperX QuadCast
- Camera: iPhone 13 Pro Max
- Desk: GenioDesk PLUS
- Chair: GenioDesk ErgoChair

- Chrome for web browsing
- Spotify for music streaming
- Bitwarden for password management
- Google Docs for writing documents
- PowerPoint for making presentations
- MEGA for cloud storage and file sync
- Obsidian for note taking and task management
- Excalidraw+ for drafts, diagrams and whiteboard
- Raycast for a Spotlight and emoji picker alternative
- CleanShot X for screenshots and screen recordings
- Filmora for video editing
- VS Code for general development
- New Moon for theme
- Fira Code for font
- Settings and extensions
- IntelliJ IDEA for Kotlin development
- Warp for terminal emulator
- Web development:
- TypeScript as my preferred language
- Svelte as my preferred framework
- SvelteKit as my preferred meta-framework
- SASS for styling
- Lucide for beautiful and cohesive icons
- Simple Icons for brand icons
- Vite for frontend tooling
- Vitest for writing unit tests
- Vercel for hosting
- OBS for streaming and screen recording
- Chatterino for Twitch chat
- Loopback for Mac audio routing
- Figma for UI design and prototyping
- Illustrator for general vector design
- Photopea for general image editing
- Elk for Mastodon web client
- Mammoth for Mastodon iOS client
- TweetDeck for a better Twitter experience
- Discord for joining and managing communities
- PX to REM converter for bidirectional PX to REM converter
- CSS Grid Generator for generating CSS grids
- SVGOMG for optimizing SVGs
- Bulk Resize Photos for resizing and optimizing images
- Iconês for browsing icon packs and emoji fonts
- uBlock Origin for blocking ads
- Dark Reader for dark mode everywhere
- Feeder for RSS reader
- Wappalyzer for fiding out what stack a website is built with
- JSON Viewer for viewing JSONs
- Hard Refresh for all your cache problems
- Localhost Open Graph Checker for previewing social metatags locally
- Return YouTube Dislike for showing YouTube dislikes
- Auto Quality for YouTube for forcing HD videos on YouTube
- SponsorBlock for skipping sponsor segments on YouTube